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For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

- Matthew 6:21

1450 AM, 91.3 FM Provo  | 95.5 FM Payson  |  91.7 FM Richfield  |  91.9 FM Price  |  91.7 FM Vernal

Why we give.

Do you enjoy listening to Key Radio and the shows featuring pastors and friends from your area? Sure, we all do!  Well, we to invite you to come along side us - first in prayer so that we never grow weary of doing good, and continue to bless you with gospel-centric content each day.  And if God lays it on your heart to support us financially, well that would be a blessing too. 
NOTE: click on the zero then enter the amount.

giving Opportunities

General fund

Keep the Good News of Jesus Christ broadcasting throughout Utah!  Because Key Radio is a missionary-run station, all general fund proceeds go directly to operating expenses.


Equipment maintenance is a challenge, especially when the towers are located off remote mountain roads.  It is important to have the right equipment for the job when roads are impassable.  

Ways To Give


Through your donation, the redeeming love of Jesus is proclaimed throughout Utah each day, filling listeners and viewers with the encouragement, hope, and truth found in God's Word, the Bible.

Simply begin by entering the amount you wish to give, select the fund to which you want it to apply, and indicate the frequency of your donation. (Please consider making your gift recurring!)

Then follow the instructions on the secured site, and you are done!


You can also  mail your check or money order!  Just enclose your gift in a stamped envelope to:
Key Radio
307 S 1600 W
Provo UT 84601


Key Radio loves visitors!  If you're in the neighborhood, save a stamp and come on by! We'll give you a receipt and a tour of the station!  We're right off I-15 on the Center Street Provo exit.  Head west toward the lake and take your first left on 1600 W.  If you've gone past the school, you've gone too far!
Address:  307 S 1600 W | Provo UT | 84601.



The need for a 4 wheeler or side by side has existed for over a decade when we added the remote sites (KEYV, KEYR, and more recently K238CE) which are on the top of mountains. But the need was accentuated with the move of KEYP to the top of the mountain last year. All of the roads to the mountain tops are the typical one-lane dirt and rock roads with no guardrails and large drops. The pickup truck does well for accessing the sites in summer (if dry), but for much of fall and spring and all of winter, the rain and snow makes the roads impassable, or minimally unpredictable. That is why we are putting the need out for an ATV with tracks.

KEYP is also an off-grid solar-powered site and more delicate and requiring more attention, more so in winter.  Renting a vehicle is an option, but not an inexpensive option, and it's hard to schedule when we are very dependent on the weather being good, which is not forecasted well on the mountains.  


Have questions?

We'd love to help! Fill out the form below to get started.
Or call us and get a human voice!  801.374.5210
Hours M-F, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM