Key Radio, Life unlocked truth unleashed

Ukraine Relief Efforts

91.3 FM PROVO  | 1450 AM PROVO | 91.7 FM RICHFIELD | 91.9 FM PRICE | 91.7 FM VERNAL | 95.5 FM PAYSON


12/31/2021 - Good news. We are back up, and running normally. Someone needs to tell Heather to stop messing with the cords!

12/30/2024 - Hey Friends.  We're having some tech issues today.  Still great programming, just not our traditional program schedule.  Enjoy your day!

"So thankful for the commitment of [Key Radio] to bring the good news of God's love everyday."

- online listener

"I can say 'Amen!' to everything that has been said today.  What a great conversation..."

- Morning show listener

"Praising God for your ministry!"

- KEYY listener

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