I was stunned.  In my pursuit to check social media messages, my news feed flashed a post announcing the death of a high school friend.  It wasn’t necessarily a surprise - Jason struggled with poor health, in part caused by rough living.  I guess I was just taken off guard.

Jason reached out a couple years ago, and I soon learned that he was a believer in Jesus.  God had used Jason’s circumstances to get his attention, and today, Jason is absent from his broken, beat up body, but present with our glorious Lord. As a child of God myself, this is truly comforting.

On a recent morning show, we discussed 1 Kings 17, where the prophet Elijah said to King Ahab, “As the LORD, the God of Israel, lives, before whom I stand, there shall be neither dew nor rain these years, except by my word.”  Surely a drought would get the attention of the Israelite nation, and they would turn back to the One True God!

But what Is God doing to get your attention?  Is it the beauty of his creation that causes you to worship spontaneously? Or is it a tragedy that leaves you powerless and dependent on God’s strength?  Either way, when God does get your attention, “take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.” (Ex. 3:5) Lean into the Lord, and learn of His sovereignty, goodness, and grace.  Remember that this world is not your home – that through Jesus, you can have life everlasting, free from pain, sin, hurt, and disappointment. Trust in the all-sufficient work of Jesus. He is able and willing to forgive you of your sins so that your joy may be overflowing.

If God’s vying for your attention, don’t push him away.  Submit to the Lord’s call on your life and enjoy Him now and forever.

 Just like Jason did.
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